Deceptively simple, the pure white paper and three strings of the basic Shamiko create an incredibly warm and natural sound. The basic Shamiko can be drawn or painted on to further use it as an instrument of self-expression. The basic Shamiko is the perfect introduction into the world of the Shamisen and traditional Japanese music.
Easy to play for everyone
SHAMIKO has developed based on the traditional Japanese musical instrument "Shamisen" which has been popular among a wide range of people in Japan since ancient times. SHAMIKO carries Shamisen DNA inherited into this small body.
This simplest SHAMIKO is easy to play for everyone. You would think that playing a Shamisen guitar is difficult, wouldn’t you? We want everyone to enjoy playing our SHAMIKO Guitars from the day you buy, so we made the guitar easy to handle.
- Stickers that show where to hold the thread are provided.
- A guitar pick is provided instead of a cane.
We have taken care of things that everyone will be able to play immediately.
Easy to manage and maintain
The string of the traditional Shamisen can be cut if continued to play. If the skin is torn, it will cost you a lot to replace. Special paper used for the face skin does not break easily, and nylon yarns are rarely cut. SHAMIKO is designed to be extremely easy to manage.
Beautiful Modeling
The body of SHAMIKO is made of wood as a conventional Shamisen, using a Masu, a traditional wooden measuring cup and a god luck symbol in Japan. A round hole was created to produce the sound in the back of the body that is like a circle window in a Japanese tea ceremony room. The top part of SHAMIKO guitar called “Tenjin” has a complex but neat shape that is incorporated a string roll. It is all about the beauty of this modeling.